Monday, April 27, 2009

You know you’re old when…

…You start every conversation with news about the weather. Well, I guess that means I’m officially old because this will be an entire post about the weather.

It’s hot…really hot. The kind of hot that makes you keep your blinds shut all day just so the sun won’t fry the inside of your house. The kind of hot that makes you plan meals that don't involve using your oven. You know what I'm talking about. And poor Ella is suffering because of it. We have as few layers on her as possible, but she is still having a lot of skin breakdown. I really hope that once it gets warm and stays warm, that her skin will balance out. Now that she’s a big 22 month old, she knows about outside and she loves being outside. We try to keep her in the cool basement, but the conversation usually goes something like this.

Ella: Down?

Me: Do you mean up? (she gets up and down confused)

Ella: Ok, Up. (so I pick her up)

Ella: Stairs?

Me: You want to go upstairs?

Ella: Ok, upstairs! (so we go upstairs)

Ella: Outside?

Me: No Ella, we can’t go outside. It’s too hot. (and Ella bursts into tears and starts rambling on about outside, pretty flowers, and the slide)

This is going to make for a long summer. And the worst part is that on DC standards...this isn't hot.

On another, completely non-weather related note, yesterday was GiGi's birthday. I won't say how old she is, but we do hope she had the happiest birthday ever!

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